Coaching cannot be described with words; it has to be experienced. Imagine trying to explain to someone what it is like to ride a bicycle. The best way for them to experience it is to ride a bicycle. This is why I refrain from explaining what coaching is. I offer free chemistry sessions instead.
The impact of the work I do with clients is best captured by their own words. Below are testimonials they provided:
“This has been a life changing experience for me. In only 4 months of coaching, Sana helped me re/discover my leadership skills. The work we did together re-motivated me and gave me the kind of confidence I needed. It brought me back to a path of being more assertive without being aggressive. Sana also helped me to develop filters for priority setting. For the first time in my adult life, I drew what should be my daily & weekly routines, and since then, I can say no to activities and invitations that don’t meet my interests and values.”
Vincent Kayijuka
Strategic Planning Advisor, United Nations
“People tell me I have changed. I think I have made important changes to my leadership style and increased my emotional intelligence. The most valuable part of coaching for me has been to see my responsiblity in a difficult situation at work and to find the courage to address it instead of avoiding it. I have also looked at the lessons I have learned through this experience and used them to create a better future. Coaching with Sana is like a constant evaluation of how I am doing and how I can improve. I would definitely recommend her to anyone who wants to become a better leader.”
Deputy Country Representative, UNFPA
“Sana is an excellent coach. She is flexible to her clients' needs, able to assess the situation in a person's life and provide real-time tools to handle that situation. I have found hope for a different future, and felt empowered to take action and make changes. She is compassionate and professional.”
Valerie Whiting
(former) Program Officer, Latin America,
Planned Parenthood Global
"J’ai été accompagnée par Sana pendant trois mois, alors que je traversais une phase difficile de ma vie professionnelle. Sana allie grande qualité d’écoute, analyse et bonne distance avec le client. Elle apporte aussi une certaine fermeté, nécessaire pour moi. La relation est très professionnelle tout en étant très humaine. Le travail que j’ai accompli avec elle m’a non seulement aidée à mieux vivre la période mais aussi à développer une approche plus positive des événements et de ma capacité à y faire face. Je pense que cet accompagnement continuera de porter ses fruits dans la suite de mon parcours."
DRH adjointe au Directeur général, France Habitation
"Sana came into my life at a time where I was feeling overwhelmed in both my professional and personal life and finding it difficult to control the levels of stress. She helped me to understand what was within and what was outside my control to fit and to detract myself from issues that were outside my control. I am so grateful that she was able to help me regain my professional confidence. Looking back I really can't believe how far I have come with Sana. Thank you!"
Regional Manager in the (Human Rights) non-profit sector