How is project "Aid Workers Living On Their Own Terms" born?
Too often, we hear about how hard it is to be an aid worker. Whether it is the challenging working conditions, the highly competitive environment, or the abusive behaviors that are tolerated, there's a narrative out there that focuses on the hardship, the frustrations and the challenges in the aid sector. By no means, I want to ignore these realities.
However, I have decided to start collecting and sharing different aid workers' stories, the inspiring and uplifting ones that we hear less often about. I feel honored to feature these stories full of passion, courage, creativity and resilience on my Blog. Some of these aid workers have worked with me, many did not. Although they are featured on my Blog, I want the spotlight to be on them, not me and my work.
I hope and trust that you'll find some inspiration, maybe smile and feel re-energized by these kickass aid workers who are doing it their own way.